







Your travel boho photographer for - adventure loving - wild - souls! From Gran Canaria to wherever your love story takes you! Whether that is booking a trip to capture your love or capturing magical moments for you and your family.We live in such a fast paced time and you only live once, so let's stop time and

Show your love story from another perspective! Know that I am totally here for YOU. This is YOUR unique story as a report, complete, earthy and full of emotion.

Gift yourself with memories to hold and cherish.
Reach out and let's chat!

© Pictureboho - All rights reserved.

© Pictureboho - All rights reserved.

















Deine kostbaren Augenblicke für die Ewigkeit einfrieren ist meine Lebensaufgabe! Wir leben in einer so schnelllebigen Zeit. Gerne möchte ich dir zeigen wie schön du bist und dich mit einzigartigen Erinnerungen berreichern.

Ich fange für dich Sonnenuntergänge weltweit ein!

Süße 〰︎ Worte

Sweet 〰︎ words

© Pictureboho - All rights reserved.

You’ve made it to my corner of the internet
and I’m so excited that you are here!

I am Laura the traveling photographer + latina + artist + human being.. the one creating beautiful timeless memories for you!

As a mother of two little wildflowers and a wife, I know how precious memories are and how quickly they can be lost. That is why I made it my life's mission to capture the tiny and huge stages of life.We have lived in different countries like Germany, Colombia and Portugal, but my heart has recently found it's new home in Gran Canaria. We love to travel and explore adventures in nature. Waking up in new cities and trying out new food is something I have a passion for.

I feel that moving pictures elevates your memories to a whole other level! That is why this year, I am adding video for my client experience! Even when you are old, timetraveling through your own unique video, is something you will be glad to have. All I want is for you to look at your photos/videos and say "Holy shit, that's me? I'm this cute?"For weddings I am willing to catch a flight and follow your epic adventure elopement across the globe or help you out in creating and capturing your stunning wedding ceremony in your own hometown, wherever you are! Reach out and tell me all about it.

Things I love... earthy tones, macrams, floral crowns, round pampas arches, rustic accents and wild adventures. Capturing people in all their happy moments and in all of their emotions. Every raw connection and feelings I get to capture of my sweet clients, is what fuels me and my camera! My soul burns for everything that carries love - the engagement, the marriage proposal, pregnancy and starting a family!Capturing your most beautiful memories to keep, forever! Candid and natural.

The magic behind catching candid photos lies in the unobserved moments, when you immerse with nature - concentrate completely with eachother - and allowing yourself to let go for a while. I am forever grateful for all the people who have giving me their trust. If you share with me, what makes your heart feel alive, I will help you create it and bring your vision come to life!I am so happy I get to be a part of your most unique journey. Let's freeze time and catch sunsets. I'd love to hear from you!

I will catch sunsets worldwide for you.
Let's connect and create some magic!

You can also write me an email :
[email protected]

Verantwortlicher im Sinne der Datenschutzgesetze, insbesondere der EU-Datenschutzgrundverordnung (DSGVO), ist:
Laura Chaparro
Westendstr. 27
83395 Freilassing
+49 (0)1577 7532899
[email protected]
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Sie haben das Recht, aus Gründen, die sich aus Ihrer besonderen Situation ergeben, jederzeit gegen die Verarbeitung Sie betreffender personenbezogener Daten, die aufgrund Art. 6 Abs. 1 lit. f DSGVO (Datenverarbeitung auf der Grundlage einer Interessenabwägung) erfolgt, Widerspruch einzulegen; dies gilt auch für ein auf diese Bestimmung gestütztes Profiling im Sinne von Art. 4 Nr. 4 DSGVO.Legen Sie Widerspruch ein, werden wir Ihre personenbezogenen Daten nicht mehr verarbeiten, es sei denn, wir können zwingende schutzwürdige Gründe für die Verarbeitung nachweisen, die Ihre Interessen, Rechte und Freiheiten überwiegen, oder die Verarbeitung dient der Geltendmachung, Ausübung oder Verteidigung von Rechtsansprüchen.Empfänger eines WiderspruchsLaura Chaparro
Westendstr. 27
83395 Freilassing
+49 (0)1577 7532899
[email protected]
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[email protected]
+49 (0)1577 7532899

Privacy policyThe responsible person as defined by data protection laws, in particular the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), is:Laura Chaparro
Westendstr. 27
83395 Freilassing
+49 (0)1577 7532899
[email protected]
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Westendstr. 27
83395 Freilassing
+49 (0)1577 7532899
[email protected]
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[email protected]
+49 (0)1577 753 2899

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Laura Chaparro
Westendstr. 27
83395 Freilassing
Telephone: +49 (0)1577 7532899
Email: [email protected]
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Laura Chaparro
Westendstr. 27
83395 Freilassing
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Your wedding is coming up and you are in the middle of planning?

So, thank you.. for considering me to capture all of your magic. Know that I am totally here for YOU and your story. Whether that is booking a trip to capture your epic adventure elopement across the globe or helping you out in creating a stunning wedding ceremony in your own hometown. Wherever you are in the world, wherever you are in your planning process, and whether you are ready to partay… I am here for it all.As your photographer, I am considerate of capturing love, passion and unique moments that may go unnoticed in the middle of your day. You will find so many big and tiny moments that are incredibly valuable to you and that you may not have noticed in the hustle and bustle. I am your eyes on your day, capturing it all for you in a complete story of happiness, in pictures AND in video!The most beautiful photo’s that I have captured during the wedding ceremony are always the private and meaningful moments between a couple. They cannot be posed for. They are the natural interactions and loving moments between the Bride and Groom and they are just magic!–Discreet, helps us feel comfortable, a pleasure to work with –
or so my clients say!
Tell me your story, who you are? What are your hobbies? Just tell me all the things that makes your heart feel alive and I will help you bring your vision to life! It’s a crazy feeling to be chosen to document the biggest days in someone’s life, and I treat it like it’s the most important job in the world, because to me it is.I'd love to hear from you and it will be an honor to me to acompany you in your adventure! I can't wait for you to recieve wedding photos that will reflect your love.

Hello Lovebirds!

Freezing your precious moments for eternity is what I breath for! If your thinking on proposing.. I can help you with some amazing ideas. We create great moments together, memories that come back to life as you watch them in video and photos!We meet wherever you feel most comfortable. This can be on a walk through the woods, fields, or at the beach. Just be yourself. Every raw connection and feelings I get to capture of my sweet clients are truly magical.I will accompany you during a walk, while I catch movements and take authentic "unposed" photos of you and your love.You don't dare because you think being photographed isn't your thing? You feel you're not photogenic? Remember, we're just going for a walk, and you two are just you two. You can trust me blindly - the photos will reflect your love!Natural earthy and full of emotion. Let's stop time and capture your one of a kind love story!

Magical Babybump

It's just unbelievable how a human being with heart, fingers and eyes can develop from a woman's body in such a short time. This masterpiece you are growing has to be recorded! Perfect time for beautiful baby bump photos. It's also very special photographing this time with your partner.And if your baby is already here, then I'll be happy to capture your babies little face and the delicate sweet baby feet - they grow up so quickly! We meet where you feel most comfortable. This can be in the beautiful nature, such as walking by the beach, in the forest or at your own home.Natural earthy and full of emotion. Let's stop time and capture your love!

When love creates life!

After weeks and months of waiting your precious baby has finally arrived!! It is such an honor to me to capture your babies little face and the delicate sweet baby feet - they grow up so quickly! We meet where you feel most comfortable. This can be in the beautiful nature, such as walking by the beach, in the forest or at your own home.As a mother of two little wildflowers and a wife, I know how precious memories are and how quickly they can be lost. Capturing the tiny and huge stages of life with my camera has become my passion and my life's work. Your story as a report, complete, earthy and full of emotion.Natural moments arise spontaneously and we get the most beautiful photos as a family and unique little moments only of your beautiful sweet babyboy or babygirl! Let's stop time and capture magical moments!

"They're growing up so fast!"

How often do you hear that as a parent? Yes, kids really do grow up so fast!As a mother of two little wildflowers and a wife, I know how precious memories are and how quickly they can be lost. Capturing the tiny and huge stages of life with my camera has become my passion and my life's work.I make sure the children feel comfortable. The little ones can bring their absolute favorite stuffed animal and if they want, they can even hear their favorite songs. In case the mood changes, I have something sweet ready. If they have a favorite cookie, remember to bring it with you.. but when mum and dad are in a good mood, the children will just do the same.Natural moments arise spontaneously and we get the most beautiful photos!Let's stop time and capture your precious kids as they are right now, before they grow even bigger :)

Family photos are the real treasures

I'd love to acompany you, while you create beautiful memories. Memories I will capture and that will last forever! We meet where you feel most comfortable. This can be on a walk through the woods, fields, at the beach or at your own home.I will photograph you having fun, cuddling together, laughing and just you as a family being yourself. If you want, we can even hear your favorite songs.As a mother of two little wildflowers and a wife, I know how precious memories are and how quickly they can be lost. Capturing the tiny and huge stages of life with my camera has become my passion and my life's work. The magic lies in the unobserved moments when you concentrate completely with eachother and allowing yourself to let go for a while. Natural moments arise spontaneously and we get the most beautiful photos! Your story as a report, complete, earthy and full of emotion.These photos will stay with you forever and will not age.. and that is why I always say that family photos are the real treasures. I am happy if I can enrich you with it! :)

You are beautiful!

Let's have a fun time! You can bring different outfits with you and we simply take pictures of detailed shots to the entire look. There are no boring pictures where you look straight into the camera. We can listen to your favorite songs. Just be yourself and lean back, or stand up and add some movement - because that's how the most beautiful pictures are created.I am hyped by genuine humans who are down to get a little creative during shoots. Let's get spontaneous and create a good mood! I see how you look the most beautiful and show you from your chocolate side. We take the pictures in a place of your choice, just as you want and where you can feel completely natural.I look forward to making beautiful photos of you! :)

The most delicious Picnic Experience in Gran Canaria!

**The „Boho Bride“ Lounge

Get your business to the next level!

You have a cool business and need quality photos that represent it?Let's have a great time!
I'll accompany you while capturing your behind the scenes video
+ I'll take the most beautiful photos of you and your business! From the tiny details to the whole picture.
I'm looking forward to an unforgettable shooting with you! Reach out and let's chat!

Ich bin verheiratet und Mama von zwei süßen Kindern. In meiner Jugend bin ich viel gereist. Ich habe in Kolumbien, München und in USA gelebt. Ich spreche fließend Englisch und Spanisch. Nun wohne ich mit meiner kleinen Familie im Berchtesgadener Land (wenige Kilometer von Salzburg). Als Familie reisen wir sehr gerne und lieben Abenteuer in der Natur!Die Kunst der Fotografie habe ich schon lange lieben gelernt. Ich habe 2010 in einem Fotostudio in München gearbeitet. Dort habe ich professionelle Pass-, Bewerbungsbilder und Visitenkarten erstellt. Danach war ich in der Mediengestaltung in einer IT Firma tätig, und habe Produkte fotografiert, Bilder retuschiert und verschieden Flyer, sowie Plakate angefertigt. Am meisten fasziniert mich die Fotografie von Menschen in all ihren Momenten des Glücks.Bevor ich Mama geworden bin, habe ich außerdem in einer Kinderkrippe gearbeitet. Als ich mein erstes Baby bekam, verliebte ich mich wieder komplett in die Fotografie: ich musste unbedingt diese kleinen Finger, Wimpern und Füßchen fotografieren. Momente wie diese festzuhalten bedeutet mir heute die Welt!Wenn du die Zeit einfrieren und Erinnerungen für die Ewigkeit schaffen möchtest, dann nimm mit mir Kontakt auf! :) Ich freue mich schon von dir zu hören!
